How do variables really work?

I’ve read the docs, several topics in this group, the examples github, plus several experiments on some testing vms, but I can’t seem to make it click.

The precedence vars take is this: (I think…)

  1. vars passed in from the commandline
  2. vars directly in the playbook
  3. vars in host_vars/hostname
  4. vars in group_vars/group
  5. vars in roles/rolename/vars (how does this work with more than one role defining a var?)
  6. vars in group_vars/all

I also have been having issues referencing vars. I thought you could do use ${var}, {{ var }}, or $var (see:, but when I do something like:

template: src=blah.j2 dest=/etc/blah/{{ var }}

It creates a file named {{ var }} rather than what the variable is supposed to be. Same if I used ${var}

I also have a task in a role that I want to run only if the host has the correct variable defined. As in host_vars/ has ‘vhost’ defined, but host_vars/ does not. So the task would run for, but not for I tried:

  • name: blah
    template: src=blah dest=blah
    when: vhost is defined

where only host_vars/ had vhost defined. The result was no tasks were run for, but the other two hosts I’m testing on had tasks run…

I guess I need these questions answered:

  1. What do I have wrong in what I wrote above?

  2. How do I correctly reference vars?

  3. How do I make sure var files are loaded correctly?

  4. As in vars for are only used for, vars for are only used for, and so on.1. How do I run tasks only when the correct variable is defined?

The way I’ve been testing this, is by trying to create apache vhost files. Here are what I think are the relevant files:

file: roles/webtier/tasks/main.yml

  • include: php-apache-stack.yml
  • include: apache2-vhosts.yml

file: roles/webtier/tasks/apache2-vhosts.yml

  • name: create and enable vhosts
    when: apache2_vhosts is defined
    template: src=http-vhost.j2 dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/${item.server_name}
  • apache2_vhosts
  • restart apache2

file: host_vars/vm.blankalpha.lab


  • test1: “THis is a test with bad grammar.”
    test2: “TEST TWO”


  • server_name: vm.blankalpha.lab
    server_aliases: done.blankalpha.lab
    docroot: /var/www/

When I did not have the when condition, it created a file named /etc/apache2/sites-available/${item.server_name} that contained my template, without any values substituted into it.

This feels like you may want to stop by IRC.