In below output, i want only the ‘May 11 2021’ to be displayed on screen. Switch#sh clock 02:42:19.622 Sng Tue May 11 2021
Below is a sample script and used ‘regex’ filter as an example. How do i modify the script/ incorporate other any other filter such that my above objective is achieved?
commands: “show clock”
something like - “{{ show_clock.stdout[0] | regex_findall(‘[A-Z][a-z]{2}\s[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{4}’)” should work although I am no expert so there may be a better way to do it.
If you must parse dates like that, it requires more data. Is the first
line ('Switch#sh clock') also part of the output? Let's assume so.
And is the month abbreviated or not? From just 'May' we can't tell.
Assuming it is, this works, in this century:
"{{ out | regex_replace(
'\\2 \\3 \\4'
) }}"