How do I exit Ansible playbook without error on a condition

I have 3 plays in a playbook. In a task in 1st play, If the desired value is not set to variable, the execution should exist with success status and remaining plays also should not get executed.

You could put play 2 and 3 in it's own file and use import_playbook: in play 1 with a when statement.
Because import is static all the task in the plays will be imported and executed but because of the when they will all be skipped.

- meta: end_play
   when: condition is true

Thanks for your update. But I have multiple plays in my playbook and those plays are being executed on hosts using add_hosts module.

“end_play” is terminated only that particular play and the following plays are being executed.

Thanks for your response. my playbook has multiple plays and hosts value will be passed between plays through add_host module. output of a task of one play is the host value of the next play.
So, Please let me know how to pass host from one playbook to playbook.