How can Integrate Ansible Tower with Active Directory

Hi Soniya ,

Thank you for the information I have followed the same link but still struck with it

can you please share what exactly error you are getting and where you got stuck?


Hi Soniya ,

Now I need to setup Ldap authentication via Active Directory

Requirement: allow CN=adm_at,OU=Services Accounts,DC=peaktrav,DC=com group users to authenticate ansible tower login and perform some task above mention users group

Steps I have done

Test successful queries to the LDAP server - OK

Configured LDAP as attached picture but still I unable to log using Active Directory user name and password.


Hi Soniya,

I need you advice to accomplish Active Directory Integration to Ansible Tower.

Below Task I have done

  1. Installed Ansible Tower

  2. Created User in Active directory hat has access to read the entire AD structure.

  3. Configure openladap config file like below

[root@AT tower]# cat /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
