I use simple YAML files for defining some constant values to be used in my playbooks. A typical file would look like this:
var1: abc
var2: xyz
- item1
- item2
4.1: a
4.2: b
I simply include the the file(s) like above in my playbooks in vars: section and all the constant values are available to me. Now i have a situation where i would like to break my vars file into several sub categories and include them all in one main vars file. I expect that i will have to include this one var file and others would be imported by this var file. I used include statement to have this:
- include: subvars1.yaml
- include: subvars2.yaml
var1: abc
var2: xyz
- item1
- item2
But this one is failing with some syntax error message.
How can i include another vars file into one vars only file ?