Per the documentation and this thread:
I think that debug: var=hostvars should print all the variables in scope (for each host). I’m not sure what var=vars is - non-host-specific variables?
In either case, I’m getting extremely odd behavior that I can’t figure out. I’m sorry this is long, but it is hopefully easy to follow and I suspect is either a simple answer or there is a bug.
(some stuff removed for brevity or security)
Here is my command line:
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --inventory-file --limit stage --user xxx --private-key -e IS_VAGRANT=False -C
Here is the result of my dynamic inventory for host ‘stage’
“hosts”: [
“vars”: {
“HOST_NAME”: “”,
Now here are the key plays, and results, from my playbook
- debug: var=vars
This looks pretty good (but note it doesn’t show variables from my inventory)
PLAY [all] ********************************************************************
TASK: [baseUbuntu | debug var=vars] *******************************************
ok: [] => {
“vars”: {
“DIFFTOOL”: “git --no-pager diff”,
… <DELETED - but no HOST_NAME> …
“IS_VAGRANT”: “False”,
… <DELETED - but no SERVER_NAME> …
“_original_file”: “/Users/xxxxxx/tmp/thissite/ansible_config/roles/baseUbuntu/tasks/main.yml”,
“always_run”: false,
“changed_when”: null,
“delegate_to”: null,
… …
“role_uuid”: “160302ff-f06f-4a78-8204-f0fcc4a8c750”
- debug: var=hostvars
This looks wrong to me. Shouldn’t it either be a superset of vars and my inventory variables?
TASK: [baseUbuntu | debug var=hostvars] ***************************************
ok: [] => {
“hostvars”: {
“”: {
“IS_VAGRANT”: “False”
Hmmm… maybe I I’m not properly setting my inventory variables.
Nope! See ‘HOST_NAME’ is properly set. Why doesn’t it show up in vars or hostvars?
- debug: msg=“HOST_NAME = {{ HOST_NAME }}”
TASK: [baseUbuntu | debug msg=“HOST_NAME = {{ HOST_NAME }}”] ****************
ok: [] => {
“msg”: “HOST_NAME =”
And this one is even weirder. I use {{ HOST_NAME }} and in the “name” clause it doesn’t
render and in the hostname clause it does!
- name: “Set hostname to {{ HOST_NAME }}”
hostname: name=“{{ HOST_NAME }}”
TASK: [baseUbuntu | debug msg=“HOST_NAME = {{ HOST_NAME }}”] ****************
ok: [] => {
“msg”: “HOST_NAME =”
I’m baffled - I’d appreciate any tips. Thank you!