Host variables with dict value?

In my playbook yaml file I had something like:

vpc: {id: vpc-12345, net:}

and it worked when I referenced it:

  • name: Launch instance
    module: ec2
    vpc_subnet_id: ‘{{}}’

I want to move these variables into dev- and prod-specific hosts file vars so I tried:

vpc = {id: subnet-12345, net:}

and even variations like:

vpc = ‘{{ { id = subnet-12345, net = } }}’

but in my play this is being seen as a string (or unicode, respectively) and generating errors: “‘str object’ has no attribute ‘id’”, or “‘unicode object’ has no attribute id”

Is there a way to set these host vars to dicts (or other objects) in these ini-style host files? Or am I limited to simple strings?


Hi Chris,

Look at the documentation for how to store files in group_vars/foo and host_vars/foo in YAML format.

You can’t store structured data directly in the INI file.


Looks good, thanks for the pointer, Michael.