Hi, can someone help me please ? it's about docker_image is not pushing to docker hub

Hi guys,

I’m trying for more than 2 days to make this work, I’m using jenkins with ansible. My ansible role is like this:

  • name: Login into docker hub
    username: “username”
    password: “pass”
    email: “me@myemail”
    docker_host: “”
    tls: true
    cert_path: “path to docker certificate”
    key_path: “path to docker key”

  • name: Register image to docker hub
    name: “username/myimagename”
    repository: “username/myimagename”
    push: yes
    tag: “1.0.1”
    docker_host: “”
    tls: true
    cert_path: “path to docker certificate”
    key_path: “path to docker key”

the problem is, the above code succeeds but it does not push the image to my docker hub account.

I’m having windows 10, running ansible from a jenkins that is running inside docker container, the docker container has ansible installed also. Docker is installed inside windows 10, and it’s api is, and from there I can push the image manually and it will work,
but with ansible with docker_image module I could not do it.

The full output from jenkins is like this: