Help with loop and data extraction

Of this blob

TASK: [context_deploy | debug ] ***********************************************
ok: [myserver] => {
“msg”: “1 {‘msg’: ‘All items completed’, ‘changed’: False, ‘results’: [{‘invocation’: {‘module_name’: u’include_vars’, ‘module_complex_args’: {}, ‘module_args’: u’/Users/jespermarkenstam/tmp/master/automation.ansible/group_vars/context_def’}, ‘item’: ‘def’, ‘ansible_facts’: {‘application_gavdeploy_list’: [{‘endpoint’: ‘http://localhost:8080/def-service-bot/health’, ‘group’: ‘wildfly’, ‘dest’: ‘/opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments’, ‘version’: u’1’, ‘owner’: ‘wildfly’, ‘type’: ‘war’, ‘groupId’: ‘’, ‘artifactId’: ‘def-bot-service’}, {‘endpoint’: ‘http://localhost:8080/def-service-bot/health’, ‘group’: ‘wildfly’, ‘dest’: ‘/opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments’, ‘version’: u’1’, ‘owner’: ‘wildfly’, ‘type’: ‘war’, ‘groupId’: ‘’, ‘artifactId’: ‘def-bot-service2’}]}}, {‘invocation’: {‘module_name’: u’include_vars’, ‘module_complex_args’: {}, ‘module_args’: u’/Users/jespermarkenstam/tmp/master/automation.ansible/group_vars/context_abc’}, ‘item’: ‘abc’, ‘ansible_facts’: {‘application_gavdeploy_list’: [{‘endpoint’: ‘http://localhost:8080/abc-write-dot/health’, ‘group’: ‘wildfly’, ‘dest’: ‘/opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments’, ‘version’: u’1’, ‘owner’: ‘wildfly’, ‘type’: ‘war’, ‘groupId’: ‘’, ‘artifactId’: ‘abc-dot-write’}]}}]}”

I want to extract all the groupId, artifactId, version, endpoint, and so on.

so far, I register the output from several lists into one dynamic variable “contexts”

  • include_vars: “{{ playbook_dir }}/group_vars/context_{{ item }}”
    register: contexts
  • “{{ wildfly_context }}”

this produces the blob above

  • debug:
    msg: “1 {{ contexts }}”

I want to loop over it, but I appear to have nested loops, and this is where I struggle - here the first loop over results.

  • debug:
    msg: “4 {% for gav in contexts[‘results’] %}{{ gav.ansible_facts }} {% endfor %}”

How can I loop over ansible_facts’: {‘application_gavdeploy_list’ to get all my artifactId’s for example?