NOOB alert! I’m struggling to setup a module development environment that includes support for unit tests and which the module development environment does not occur within the Ansible source tree directly. That is:
My module development environment is an Intellij project with a project root at /dev/ansible. Relative to this project root, my module sources are located in modules/packaging/os/ while my unit tests are in test/units/modules/packaging/
The Ansible source lives in /dev/sdks/ansible2.4 which contains a clone of the Ansible repository
I’ve tried the following without success: -
Add test/units/modules and modules to the PYTHONPATH
source sdks/ansible2.4/hacking/env-setup
sdks/ansible2.4/test/runner/ansible-tests units --tox --python 3.5 snaps
symbolically link modules/packaging/os/ into the ansible2.4/lib/ansible/modules/packaging/os and symbolically link test/units/modules/packaging/ into ansible2.4/test/units/modules/packaging/os/
source sdks/ansible2.4/hacking/env-setup
sdks/ansible2.4/test/runner/ansible-tests units --tox --python 3.5 snaps
In neither case is my test case found (Target pattern no matched: snaps)
Would anyone share how to setup a unit testing supporting module development environment?