Help on vmware_vm_shell module


I am using vmware_vm_shell module as below to execute commands in VMs in ESXI hosts . if it is a matter of 2 or 3 esxi servers , it is easier to prepare a yaml list or dictionary as a vars file and use it in the module . What if there are 100 ESXI hosts and 300+ VMs to execute any command . Is there a way to convert a comma seperated file to a nice yaml list or dictionary ?

  hostname: "{{item.key}}"
  username: blahxxxx
  password: blahxxxx
  validate_certs: no
  vm_id: "{{}}"
  vm_username: blahxxx
  vm_password: blahxxxx
  vm_shell: /bin/touch
  vm_shell_args: "touch /tmp/{{item.value.ip_address}}.txt"
  #vm_shell_cwd: "/tmp"
with_dict: "{{values}}"
#delegate_to: localhost

My vars.yml file used for above play is as below for 2 esxi servers