Help needed regarding when condition

Hi Ansible Gurus,

I have this output:
(1, ‘\r\n{“msg”: “service[component] - https://myip/myrest/v1/ fails to due to error 501 - None”, “failed”: true, “invocation”: {“module_args”: {“url_password”: null, “tasks”: [{“name”: null, “hostname”: “myapp”, “timeout”: “60”, “my_post_action”: “component”, “operation”: "shut, “instance”: “abc”}], “force”: false, “homedir”: null, “service”: null, “url”: null, “force_basic_auth”: false, “http_agent”: “ansible-httpget”, “cluster”: “homedir”, “state”: “present”, “BaseUrl”: “https://myapp/myrest/api/v1”, “url_username”: null, “client_key”: null, “validate_certs”: false, “client_cert”: null, “use_proxy”: true}}}\r\n’, ‘Shared connection to myapp closed.\r\n’)

But when i put condition on a registered variable
when : result is not failed ,
it says :
The ‘failed’ test expects a dictionary\n Error how can i put this condition then ?


Hi Ansible Gurus,
I have this output:
<myapp> (1, '\r\n{"msg": "service[component] - https://myip/myrest/v1/ fails to due to error 501 - None", "failed":
true, "invocation": {"module_args": {"url_password": null, "tasks": [{"name": null, "hostname": "myapp", "timeout":
"60", "my_post_action": "component", "operation": "shut, "instance": "abc"}], "force": false, "homedir": null,
"service": null, "url": null, "force_basic_auth": false, "http_agent": "ansible-httpget", "cluster": "homedir", "state":
"present", "BaseUrl": "https://myapp/myrest/api/v1&quot;, "url_username": null, "client_key": null, "validate_certs": false,
"client_cert": null, "use_proxy": true}}}\r\n', 'Shared connection to myapp closed.\r\n')

But when i put condition on a registered variable
when : result is not failed ,
it says :
The 'failed' test expects a dictionary\n Error how can i put this condition then ?


Please share the relevant details about your playbook / task / inventory.


Here it is :

  • name: my service shut
    baseUrl: “{{ base_rest_url }}”
  • action: service_shut
    operation: shut
    hostname: “{{ ansible_fqdn }}”
    instance: “{{ item.instance }}”
    state: present
    register: result
    with_items: “{{ my_instances_config }}”
    when: result is not failed

here my_service is custom python module !

Here it is :
- name: my service shut
baseUrl: "{{ base_rest_url }}"
- action: service_shut
operation: shut
hostname: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
instance: "{{ item.instance }}"
state: present
register: result
with_items: "{{ my_instances_config }}"
when: result is not failed

here my_service is custom python module !

Hello Rahul,

the condition is check for each item in "my_instances_config" *before* running the task.

So it doesn't make sense to use "result" there as it is registered *after* running the task.

What is the idea behind your condition?


my idea is: i don’t want to stop the execution if this rest call is failed ! what i want that if this task failed , it should be skipped rather than failing entire execution !
Notice i dont want to use ignore_error kind of then , i want something conditional !

my idea is: i don't want to stop the execution if this rest call is failed ! what i want that if this task failed , it
should be skipped rather than failing entire execution !
Notice i dont want to use ignore_error kind of then , i want something conditional !

Hello Rahul,

you can override the failed state with failed_when instead of when, e.g.

failed_when: false

However that doesn't make sense. You should fix the problem in your API / in calling your API.


ok thanks ! I need one more help:

suppose i have a statement like :
until: result.failed == False and result is succeeded and result.content.allstarted in a task !

But i get error saying dict has no attribute allstarted ! Actually that is true also because this attribute comes only when result.failed == false ! But here until is trying to evaluate all 3 conditions together ! Is there any ways in which we can say that evaluate result.content.allstarted only when result.failed== false in until clause !

sorry evaluate result.content.allstarted only when result.failed == true

sorry evaluate result.content.allstarted only when result.failed == true

As I said, fix the API problems instead of going into a series of rabbit holes with these conditions on the Ansible side.
