I am trying to prepare Ansible scripts to check remote hosts for certain things like - OS version, free disk space etc. I am able to create tasks for each of this check as Ansible already have a great support for that, but i am stuck at a place on how to create a final report kind of thing for all tasks. I have multiple ways to do this:
Either, simple print the outcome of checking tasks
name: Make drive is present
win_stat: path=“{{path}}”
register: drive
debug: var=drive
Problem with this approach is that the actual reporting is lost in between all log data of Ansible task execution.
Let a task fail at the point where the check fails
fail: msg=“OS version mismatch”
when: ‘“Windows Server 2012 R2” not in ansible_os_name’
Problem in this approach is that it will not be a exact reporting of all checks.
So, does anyone has an idea how i can generate a report in the end after collecting output of multiple commands ?
I want the report on Ansible host machine and not on target machines
Seems like a difficult job to consolidate report within template for each target host.
For eg this kind of report:
Check number 1
[host 1]: OK
[host 2]: Failed
I do not have extensive knowledhe of jinja2 templates and seems like i will have to learn a few things to create a report template
If you can figure out, how to create your report on the target machine, then you’re nearly done. Just do that and thereafter transfer it to the control machine (I don’t have a link at hand, but that’s possible).
Cheers, Kai
- Seems like a difficult job to consolidate report within template for each
target host.
For eg this kind of report:
Check number 1
[host 1]: OK
[host 2]: Failed
This would involve hostvars and for loops in the template.
- I do not have extensive knowledhe of jinja2 templates and seems like i
will have to learn a few things to create a report template
It will be rewarding in the end, you can do a lot of things with jinja2 and templates.
List of linux hosts checked:
{% for i in play_hosts %}
{{ i }}: Username - {{ hostvars[i].ansible_user }}, Hostname - {{ hostvars[i].ansible_host }}
{% endfor %}
Check if OS version is {{linuxDistribution}} version {{linuxDistributionVersion}}
{% for i in play_hosts %}
{% if linuxDistribution == hostvars[i].ansible_distribution and linuxDistributionVersion == hostvars[i].ansible_distribution_version %}
{{ i }}: Success - OS version - {{linuxDistribution}} version {{linuxDistributionVersion}}
{% else %}
{{ i }}: Failed - Found OS version {{ hostvars[i].ansible_distribution }} version {{hostvars[i].ansible_distribution_version }}against required {{linuxDistribution}} version {{linuxDistributionVersion}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}