I just wrote a quick playbook to deploy ActiveMQ here. To configure repos and iptables I’m using some existing roles
The “iptables” role contains a handler to restart iptables on changes ( when the template changes).
This only works if the “iptables” role is the last one in the list. If I put the role in the middle or on top, the handler is not executed. The iptables template is correctly copied to the machine.
I’m not sure if this is normal behaviour.
Ansible version : 1.3.0
This is the playbook with the “iptables” roles as last one in the roles list.
1 —
2 - name: deploy active MQ
3 user: root
4 hosts: all
6 vars:
7 ¦ in_ports:
8 ¦ ¦ - 61616
9 ¦ ¦ - 8161
10 ¦ repos: lettergen
11 ¦ ssh_port: 22
13 roles:
14 ¦ - yumrepos
15 ¦ - activemq
16 ¦ - iptables