I think I have an idea about how to do this, but I wanted some guidance from the Ansible community:
What I would like to do is the following:
- Run ansible-playbook
- Ensure that there are X nodes in EC2 matching some criteria (an instance tag would be best), and create additional instances as necessary to bring the count up to X
- Add each of the instance found/created to the set of hosts or the play
- Add host variables based on instance tags on each of the instances
- Run my play (and all associated roles) against that list of hosts built from the previous steps.
Thanks for the help.
Take a look at “exact_count” in the Ec2 module for #2, as combined with the add_host module.
This is a pretty common pattern.
With add_host you can throw the machine into a group, and the group_vars files will pick up and be applied.
Any specific questions?
Awesome, this is a great start.
2 questions off the top of my head:
Because I am using ansible-playbook, where do I put these steps such that they run before the roles do so that all the machines are created, running, and in the hosts for the play? Would I have them in the playbook file before the -roles section?
Can I take the tags from the ec2 instances and add them as variables on the hosts as I add each instance to the hosts for the play? I have host-specific configuration that would be perfect to put in the instance tags
Thanks for you help.