global vars, vars_file?

This is how I structure my playbooks



bootstrap is entry point

In bootstrap.yml I include master and slave playbooks

  • include master.yml
  • include slave.yml

In master and slave I need to include common,yml and {name}.yml

Common.yml contains common apt packages. I make user and hosts attribute as variables.

I want to supply a global var $user and $hosts in bootstrap.yml

The alternative is to place “include comm.yml” under apt/tasks/slave.yml and apt/tasks/master.yml, either as a standalone include, or a task-level include. The task-level include can pass in the parameters. That’s okay.
But looking for a global var solution.


Is there a way to specify global level vars? Currently, I have to specify it
by hand.

In the same directory as your inventory file, make a 'group_vars/all'
file and put it there, in YAML, without the "vars:" indent.

Thanks. I double check with the docs. Not sure if I miss anything.

I issue
ansible-playbook playbooks/bootstrap.yml -i /home/glasslab/workstation/vagrant-workstation/tests4/graphyte_playbooks/hosts -u vagrant -k -vvv

inside graphyte_playbooks


  • hosts
  • master
  • bootstrap.yml
  • common.yml
  • setup.yml

In my bootstrap.yml I have

  • include: common.yml hosts=master

and in common.yml I have - include: apt/setup.yml

The only place I define $hosts and $user are in apt/setup.yml

But instead, the debug shows user is not substituted.
u’User=$user’, ‘’

I just put the following in group_vars/master