getting inventory properties as a list

I have a playbook which performs a potentially destructive action, which I expect to run with --limit normally, and I would like to assert that all hosts which meet a certain condition are included in my --limit to avoid unexpected behavior. The particular use case is failing over a PostgreSQL master and updating all replicas correspondingly.

I don’t have a problem getting the list to validate against (I use an ansible_local fact), but I can’t figure out how to get a property of each host present in hostvars as a list. So I want to be able to say something like:

  • name: validate all streaming replicas are in scope
  • “{{ item }} in {{ hostvars.values()|map(attribute=‘ansible_default_ipv4’)|map(‘address’) }}”
    with_items: ansible_local.academia.pg_streaming_replicas

when: inventory_hostname == old_master

But “hostvars.values()|map(attribute=‘ansible_default_ipv4’)|map(‘address’)” doesn’t do what I expect, and neither does any variant I’ve tried. What’s the right way to get the list of IPs for all hosts that Ansible knows about?


So pretty much limit in ansible works, so you shouldn’t feel the need to double check it.

If you must, I would do this, and keep in mind you don’t use “{{ }}” in conditionals in ansible.

  • assert:
  • item in play_hosts
    with_items: required_servers