Hi All,
I’m new to Ansible and trying to run the ansible commands against a remote VM Ubuntu instance. I set up ssh so that I was able to ssh to this VM Ubuntu instance without password. However, when I run ansible commands, if I do not provide user name and password, I got “Authentication failed” error message. If I use ‘-u and --ass-pass’, then I got “failed to open a SFTP connection” error message. The following is the output details from command window of the ansible client:
[root@localhost test]# ansible -i tvmc_host all -m ping | FAILED => FAILED: Authentication failed.
[root@localhost test]# ansible -i tvmc_host all -m ping -u cli --ask-pass
SSH password: | FAILED => failed to open a SFTP connection (EOF during negotiation)
Any idea what was missing in this case?
Thanks very much in advance for the help.