Getting A ID Value Unique To An Instance Of An Ansible Playbook

I’m trying to create an external file that every single task (Python modules for which I’ve implemented) in the playbook should read from and write into some information.

I wanted to use the process ID for the playbook itself but I’m not sure how to fetch this information from within the module itself i.e. the python script itself.

$PPID keeps changing as evidenced by the following playbook.

the value for the PPID was

“stdout”: “2850132”
“stdout”: “2850343”

the 1st and 2nd times respectively. Is there any value like a process ID or something similar that is

  1. Unique to this instance of the playbook run ?
  2. Accessible to the module’s underlying python script ?
  3. Without involving use of psutil or any package that doesn’t come as part of Python 3.X

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