get the value of Json vars ansible


I faced a issue with items , i would like to get the value of Json vars.
But i can’t access/get the value.

I write this ansible script :


*Hello *

*I faced a issue with items , i would like to get the value of Json vars.*
*But i can't access/get the value.*

*I write this ansible script :*

# tasks file for ansible-f5

- name: Define f5_environment vars
    env_f5: "QLF"

- name: Collect BIG-IP facts
    server: "{{f5_infos[env_f5].bigip_server}}"
    user: "{{f5_infos[env_f5].bigip_user}}"
    password: "{{f5_infos[env_f5].bigip_password}}"
    include: node
    validate_certs: "false"
  connection: local
  register: bigip_fact_out
  #delegate_to: localhost

- debug: var=bigip_fact_out

- name: Debug Msg Node
      msg: "I have : {{ node['/Common/'].address }} : {{
node['/Common/'].monitor_status }} : {{
node['/Common/'].session_status }}"

- name: Printing Node Item
  shell: |
    #> /tmp/test
    echo "{{ item.address }}" | sed -e "s/\/Common\///g" >> /tmp/test
  with_items: "{{node}}"

*i would like to get the list of address IP , {{ node[i].address }} where
i means the loop items.*


*if i can store/get the field "address": for each item in the file
/tmp/test it would be great .....*

I don't know where you get node variable from, but the node in bigip_fact_out is dictonary and not a list so you can do this

- copy:
    dest: /tmp/test
    content: |
      {% for key, value in bigip_fact_out.ansible_facts.node | dictsort %}
      {{ value.address }}
      {% endfor %}