Get role names for multiple plays in the same playbook file

Hello everyone

I have a playbook called “play.yml” with three plays and I would like to get the names of the roles that are applied to a certain host. Let’s say I have a host called host01 and this host is in the two groups: GROUP01 and GROUP03


  • name: play 1

  • GROUP01

  • nginx

  • php

  • name: play 2

  • GROUP02

  • mysql

  • name: play 3

  • GROUP03

  • linux

  • debug:
    msg: “{{ ansible_role_names }}”

I have a host host01 in the two groups: GROUP01 and

- name: play 1
    - GROUP01
    - nginx
    - php

- name: play 2
    - GROUP02
    - mysql

- name: play 3
    - GROUP03
    - linux
    - debug:
    msg: "{{ ansible_role_names }}"
ansible-playbook play.yml --limit host01

So it will run on play 1 and play 3, so I wanted the "ansible_role_names"
variable to contain the values "nginx", "PHP" and "linux"

Create the audit on your own. For example, create the file

cat audit.yml

- name: Audit
  when: audit | d(false) | bool
  run_once: true
    - set_fact:
        hosts_roles: "{{ hosts_roles | d() +
                         [ansible_play_hosts_all |
                          product([ansible_role_names]) |
                          community.general.dict] }}"
    - meta: end_play

and import it in each play

cat play.yml

- name: Play 1
  hosts: GROUP01
    - import_tasks: audit.yml
    - nginx
    - php

- name: Play 2
  hosts: GROUP02
    - import_tasks: audit.yml
    - mysql

- name: Play 3
  hosts: GROUP03
    - import_tasks: audit.yml
    - linux

To display the audit results add one more play to the

- name: Audit
  hosts: all
    - name: Results
      when: audit | d(false) | bool
      run_once: true
        - debug:
            var: hosts_roles | to_yaml
        - debug:
            var: hosts_roles |
                 combine(list_merge='append_rp') | to_yaml

The below command

ansible-playbook play.yml -e audit=true --limit host01

gives what you want

  hosts_roles | to_yaml: |-
    - host01: [nginx, php]
    - host01: [linux]

  hosts_roles | combine(list_merge='append_rp') | to_yaml:
    - host01: [nginx, php, linux]


If it is just to display at the end of play, you can also use
And enable stat display in the default callback (others might/might
not display them).