Get indice in variable

Hy all,

I have this task :

  • set_fact:
    liste_appli: “{{ item.split(‘,’)[3:] }}”
    with_lines: cat /home/ansible/ssh_manager/clef_applicatives.csv
    when: (item.split(‘,’)[1] == ansible_user) and (item.split(‘,’)[2] == inventory_hostname)
    delegate_to: localhost

And i have this task who count number of element in variable liste_appli:

  • set_fact:
    long_liste: “{{ liste_appli | length }}”

But content of long_liste is only one number, or i want that this variable content all indice of my variable liste_appli.

Exemple :

liste_appli = “valeur1”, “valeur2”, “valeur3”

long_liste = [0,1,2]

Someone have idea ?

Thank you very much guy !!

