Does anyone know if there is a distinct difference between running the setup module on a host and the automatic gathering facts module?
The documents say that they are both the same thing but when I look at the facts that the gathering step found it has a large amount of facts missing that the setup module by itself can find.
For example, I am using ansible_processor_cores. I can find this on all of our Solaris hosts using the setup module
[root@hostname ~]# ansible -m setup remote_host | grep ansible_processor_cores
“ansible_processor_cores”: 16,
Yet when running a playbook I either get variable undefined, or if I have a lower precedent variable (vars file etc.) it will go back to that value.
Weirdly the playbook can find that fact on Solaris LDOMs but not control domains, despite it being available to the setup module on both. Am I missing something or is the gathering facts tasks not doing what is supposed to?