Galaxy import successful but latest versions error to download

Ah, there’s two different roles … staticdev.python-developer and staticdev.python_developer

In the import log, it shows the client passed in python-developer as the alternate_role_name which took precedence over any other possibilities…

==== PARAMETERS ==== 
importer username: staticdev 
matched user: staticdev id:6381 
github_user: staticdev 
github_repo: ansible-role-python-developer 
github_reference: None 
alternate_clone_url: None 
alternate_namespace_name: None 
alternate_role_name: python-developer 

So now we have staticdev.python-developer AND staticdev.python_developer

The latter is the one you have always maintained whereas the former is the new one created by the import.

To get 3.1.0 into staticdev.python_developer, you need to import with these args …

ansible-galaxy role import --role-name=python_developer staticdev ansible-role-python-developer

Afterwards you can delete the incorrect role by it’s ID …

curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: token <YOUR_GALAXY_TOKEN>'

We’ve been discussing these new behaviors in the announcement thread here Ansible Galaxy’s role import enhancements and fixes for the new year - #9 by githubixx

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