galaxy alike server for private roles

As I wanted to be able to easily install roles that couldn’t be available through galaxy on single public github repos, and as I didn’t find any tool capable of that, I’ve written one myself. It is available at and it is a minimal implementation of the galaxy API capable to install roles (this is, ‘ansible-galaxy install xxx’ works against it).

It will not work wit stock ansible but needs small patches both for 2.x ( and 1.x (, which I’ve just submitted as pull requests.

Javier Palacios

Hi Javier,

Galaxy should work with your own repos:

The secret sauce is in the requirements.yml file.


I've seen that article, but requirements file will only work if I have one
repo with one role on the top level. Currently I have one repo with
multiple generic roles (not in toplevel) and also some roles included in
the same repo than the code they deploy (also out of top level). The first
one could be splited to match standards, but not the second. And I still
have the issue that, as they are in private repositories, I need to arrange
permission to clone/download.

Javier Palacios