I recently added two FreeBSD systems to ansible and I noticed that the system’s serial number is not included in the setup output. Upon closer investigation it seems that none of the dmi facts are.
Examining the code I saw that get_dmi_facts() is not included in the FreeBSDHardware class, however when I included it it seems that it’s working just fine provided dmidecode is installed in the system.
root@vader:~ $ ansible -m setup hap1 -a ‘filter=ansible_product*’
hap1 | success >> {
“ansible_facts”: {
“ansible_product_name”: “PowerEdge M420”,
“ansible_product_serial”: “579Y5Y1”,
“ansible_product_uuid”: “4C4C4544-0037-3910-8059-B5C04F355931”,
“ansible_product_version”: “Not Specified”
“changed”: false
Was get_dmi_facts left out of freebsd class on purpose ?
Should I send a pull request or test it further -though I don’t know how- ?