Formatting the output by line by line


My play book print the debug output as below

TASK [Print the status of the server] *******************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
“msg”: [
“Extension Message: Patching Successful. [ActivityId=xxxxxxx-1f8f-4e44-95af-xxxxxxxxxxxx], OperationResult: {"activityId": "xxxxxxx-1f8f-4e44-95af-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "sequenceNumber": 8, "inputStartTime": "2023-08-28T05:45:40.500520Z", "lastModifiedTime": "2023-08-28T06:14:43.449672Z", "extensionTriggerTime": "2023-08-28T05:45:53.268037Z", "osName": "CentOS Stream", "osVersion": "8", "action": "Patching", "actionStatus": "Success", "patchServiceUsed": "YUM", "errors": null, "patchDetails": {"rebootNeeded": true, "rebootStatus": "Completed", "maintenanceWindowExceeded": false, "retriggerCount": 61, "notSelectedPatchCount": 0, "pendingPatchCount": 0, "installedPatchCount": 98, "failedPatchCount": 0, "patches": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=", "excludedPatchCount": 0}, "assessmentDetails": {"countByCategory": {"security": 0, "other": 0}, "totalCount": 0, "patches": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX==", "rebootPending": null}, "logs": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy”}"

I need to break the output like below

Extension Message: Patching Successful. [ActivityId=xxxxxxx-1f8f-4e44-95af-xxxxxxxxxxxx]
OperationResult: activityId: xxxxxxx-1f8f-4e44-95af-xxxxxxxxxxxx
sequenceNumber: 8
inputStartTime: 2023-08-28T05:45:40.500520Z
lastModifiedTime: "2023-08-28T06:14:43.449672Z

and so on…

wondering whether stdout_callback: yaml in the ansible.cfg might be doing that

Hi ,

Sorry … No ansible.cfg involved.
After multiple filtering of (the output) I reached to this output.
I want to enhance it further .

no ansible.cfg involved seems impossible to me.

ansible --version | grep ‘ansible.cfg’ (in the location you run the playbook from) should reveal which one is effective.

Or am I understanding something badly wrong here?

my ansible.cfg is a custom one which I am using from the same location and it has no more specific lines to format.

$ansible --version | grep ‘ansible.cfg’
config file = /home/myuser/ansible/ansible.cfg
$ cat ansible.cfg
inventory = ./inventory
host_key_checking = False

so, my suggestion was to add

stdout_callback = yaml to the [defaults] section of that file and see whether the output suits you better.

Could you please back up a step and show the debug task that’s producing this?
If it’s just a string, then you’ll have to do some sort of pattern matching and replacement operations on that string.
On the other hand, if it’s a data structure, you can do quite a bit of filtering and templating with Jinja2 to produce the output you seek.
But without seeing what you’re starting from, there’s no way to make a reasonable suggestion.

Yes… My replies went partially uploaded and they did not appeared yesterday.

I tried twice and it seems some glitch.
Suddenly they appeared. (Not sure about its reported as spam?)

I will share the full details …