I read in a journal (“Linux Magazin” 1/17) that Ansible 2.2 introduces some changes to Playbook formats for the sake of flexibility.
I haven’t found any info on that topic in the changelogs, google or that journal though.
Can someone shed some light on this topic?
No clue, a link to the article might help.
No link, it’s an offline journal. The kind of journal made out of paper.
Well the changelog is here
https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/CHANGELOG.md and the 2.2 changes are listed here: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/CHANGELOG.md#22-the-battle-of-evermore---2016-11-01
Worth a read to see if there’s anything you need to change in your playbooks.
Having upgraded my playbooks from 1.8 → 1.9 → → 2.1.1.x personally I’ve found I haven’t had to change much since the (major) transition to 2.x