for loop in template how do I avoid trailing comma on last iteration?

In a template, I loop over a group of fusemq hosts defined in my invetory file e.g.

fuseMQ_URL=failover:( {% for host in groups[‘fusemq’] %} tcp://{{ host }}, {% endfor %} )

The result is of course, a trailing comma - how can I avoid this?

fuseMQ_URL=failover:( tcp://fusemq01, tcp://fusemq02, )

Try the join filter in Jinja:

{{ groups[‘fusemq’]|join(’ ,') }}

Will that not generate a list as follows

fusemq01, fusemq02

it does not take into account “tcp://”

You may want something like this (untested):

{% for host in groups[‘fusemq’] %} tcp://{{ host }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}

You can do this:

OK try this...

"tcp://{{ groups['fusemq']|join(',tcp://') }}"

Not exactly pretty but better than a for loop with conditionals.
