For Loop Construct in YAML Tasks File to Create Multiple Directories

I would like to use a FOR loop construct to create a multiple directories like this:

{% for dir in temp_dirs %}

  • name: {{ dir }} Directory
    file: dest={{ repo_dest }}/var/{{ dir }} owner={{ apache_user }} group={{ apache_group }} state=directory recurse=yes
    {% endfor %}

my vars file looks like this:

“temp_dirs” : [“bla”, “bla2”]

The syntax above does not comply with YAML :

ERROR: Syntax Error while loading YAML script, <…>
Note: The error may actually appear before this position: <…>
{% for dir in temp_dirs %}

Please advise on how to implement this.
Thanks !

You could try this:

- name:  Add Directories
  file: dest={{ repo_dest }}/var/{{ item }} owner={{ apache_user }} group={{ apache_group }} state=directory recurse=yes
  with_items: temp_dirs

The with_times will take the contents of your variable temp_dirs and one at a time substitute them for the {{ item }} variable.