Fire & Forget support

Howdy all,

I have a pull request here:

that I'm feeling antsy about. It's one line, that one line could be
put somewhere else, the bug has been sitting there since 1.6, yes
people do hit it and file other bugs occasionally.

I'd just... feel better if someone took a look at it and thought about
merging it for 1.8.

Hi Henry,

(I need a standard copy/paste for this).

Here’s what’s happening here.

Ansible has over 850 code contributors, and we have a queue set up to organize the way things get managed. Things are assigned a P1 to P5 based on priority, and typically worked in order.

In this case, what you have filed is a bug report that got categorized as a P3, though I think it’s likely really a P2 (now everyone should not get the idea to appeal to this list, but in this case, it’s not even in module space, so it’s really P2-ish).

That all being said, anything that’s in P3 territory may take some time to address, even if in bugfix territory.

Everything in queue is not in a limbo state, it’s that we have been prioritizing based on other heuristics – and also a bit occasionally bogged down by doing maintaince on core that needs to be done.

I’ll bump this one up though, it does look quite straightforward. I suspect it will make 1.8.
