Finding unpartitioned drives


Am having trouble to find unpartitioned drives through ansible.
I want all the unpartitioned drives put to a variable


I have sda,sdb and sdc where sda is partitioned and sdb,sdc is left unpartitioned. I want the playbook to register both sub,sac to a variable

something like

“unpartitioned_drives”: {

“stdout_lines”: [

Currently am doing this with shell which I want to do with ansible

  • name: Finding Unpartiotioned drives
    shell: for i in /dev/sd[b-z];do /sbin/partprobe -d -s $i | grep -v 1 | cut -d’:’ -f1;done
    register: unpartitioned_drives
  • debug: var=unpartitioned_drives

I tried doing this but all am getting is last drive but not both with this code.

  • name: setfact
    set_fact: unpartitioned_drives=“{{ item.key }}”
    when: not item.value.partitions and item.key != “sr0” and item.key != “fd0”
    with_dict: “{{ ansible_devices }}”

  • debug: var=unpartitioned_drives

Output is

TASK [debug] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
“changed”: false,
“unpartitioned_drives”: “sdc”

Since the last item is sdc it only stores sdc. Can anyone help to use this to store all unpartitioned drives in a single variable.


Have a look here to append result after each iteration of a loop

Be careful that your device can be unpartitioned, but can be used by lvm
directly (without partition)... So you probably need to remove the
results of the command pvs from your list



Thanks JYL for the information. Is there any easy way to get hold of the drives rather than looping over the registered value.

ansible_devices could interesting to look after…