Finding a varialbe in Ansible Output, if a variable is present execute the next Role

  • name: Set Fact
    hosts: all
    connection: local

  • set_fact: junction_detail_ret_obj=“{{ ret_obj[‘data’][‘result’].split(‘\n’) }}”

  • name: Output – Set fact
    hosts: all
    connection: local

  • debug: var=junction_detail_ret_obj


TASK [debug] ***********************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
“junction_detail_ret_obj”: [
“cmd> server task net-webseald-zlt13273 show /lo”,
" Junction point: /lo",
" Type: SSL",
" Junction hard limit: 0 - using global value",
" Junction soft limit: 0 - using global value",
" Active worker threads: 0",
" Basic authentication mode: filter",
" Forms based SSO: disabled",
" TFIM junction SSO: no",
" Authentication HTTP header: insert - iv_user “,
" Remote Address HTTP header: do not insert”,
" Stateful junction: no",
" Boolean Rule Header: no",
" Scripting support: no",
" Preserve cookie names: no",
" Cookie names include path: no",
" Transparent Path junction: no",
" Delegation support: no",
" Mutually authenticated: no",
" Insert WebSphere LTPA cookies: no",
" Insert WebSEAL session cookies: no",
" Request Encoding: UTF-8, URI Encoded",
" Server 1:“,
" ID: 61838f80-187f-11ea-b3fb-005056a4404b”,
" Server State: not running",
" Operational State: Online",
" Hostname: zlt13273",
" Port: 8445",
" Virtual hostname: :8445",
" Server DN: zlt13273",
" local IP address: “,
" Query_contents URL: /sps/cgi-bin/query_contents”,
" Query-contents: unknown",
" Case insensitive URLs: no",
" Allow Windows-style URLs: no",
" Current requests : 0",
" Total requests : 1"

when Server State: not running",

I have to call another role as below

  • name: Reload Junction
    hosts: all
    connection: local
  • role: set_junction
    tags: [“junction”, “set”, “/lo”]
    set_junction_junction_point: “/lo”
    set_junction_junction_type: “ssl”
    set_junction_reverseproxy_id: “{{ reverseproxy_instance_name }}”
    set_junction_virtual_hostname: “”
    set_junction_server_hostname: “{{ inventory_hostname }}”
    set_junction_server_port: “8445”
    set_junction_server_dn: “”
    set_junction_mutual_auth : “yes”
    set_junction_basic_auth_mode: “filter”
    set_junction_remote_http_header: [“iv_user”]
    set_junction_client_ip_http: “no”
    set_junction_query_contents: “/sps/cgi-bin/query_contents”
    set_junction_scripting_support: “no”
    set_junction_insert_session_cookies: “no”
    set_junction_cookie_javascript_block: “none”
    set_junction_stateful_junction: “no”
    set_junction_request_encoding: utf8_uri
    changed_when: “‘Server State: not running’ not in junction_detail_ret_obj”

The when statement is not working, I have tried different when statments

when: junction_detail_ret_obj.find(‘Online’) != -1
when: junction_detail_ret_obj | regex_search(‘Server State: not running’)

Please help me on this