Find variable in dictonary based on a known key:value pair

So having a dictionary in a var file, how would I find a value, if I don’t know the list position, but I do know a value of another key:value pair?


  • lan: 1
    slave: no
  • ip4:
    present: yes
    dev_name: eth1


So if know that my variable lives somewhere in



And I know that the dev_name is eth1, how would I go about finding ip4 at the correct array position (assuming there are more than the one I am showing)? The variable file I am pulling from is enormous, and I have committed the 6 levels above it for brevity’s sake.

I have tried using map, but I must not understand how to use it correctly, and the documentation I have been reading doesn’t really tell me if it can be used that way…

{{ (physical_interface_list | selectattr('dev_name', 'eq', 'eth1') | list).0.ip4 }}

Awesome! Thanks so much, that worked for me, but I had to tweak it just a little bit. I tried using ‘eq’ as the filter and it threw an error, but ‘equalto’ didn’t give it any problems. Otherwise this was exactly what I needed!

eq/equalto is a test not a filter.
In Jinja 2.10 it's called eq and the alias is equalto, but in older version you only have the name equalto.

Gotcha, I need to work on getting my terminology right, still new at this. Thanks again!