find module parse return value

Official documentation states, that main return value name is files and it’s “list of dictionaries”. Does anyone know how to parse this value? I’ve tried all possible loops, but I can’t figure out how to loop properly. I’ve read docs dozens of times, googled and nothing.

Basic code:


  • name: Get files
    find: paths=“/etc/” patterns=“*”
    register: find_results

  • name: Make sure line is present
    lineinfile: dest=/etc/cron.d/{{ item }} insertbefore=BOF line=“123”
    with_items: find_results.files

This example doesn’t work, obviously, because as far as i understand, to traverse “list of dictionaries” you need to have with_dict inside with_items, but I don’t see a way to have nested loops of different types.

item would be a dictionary, I'm assuming what you want is a path:

lineinfile: dest={{ item.path }}

Thanks a lot for reply. You saved my day. I’ve been pulling my hair off for like 4 hours and the problem was simply in wrong “dest” value, because I didn’t see my mistake and treated error output not the way it should be :slight_smile:
with_items and item.path works of course