Find files starting with <string> -- Frustration

Side question: Where can I find a list of debug output types for my vars
(ie. stdout, stdout_lines, etc)?

Each module return different ting, best is to check documentation or just run

- debug: var=<variable name in register>

Thanks in advance

- hosts: cent
  gather_facts: no
  - name: Gather list of ifcfg-* files
      paths: "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts"
    register: net_files

  - name: DEBUG INFO
      msg: "{{ net_files.stdout_lines }}"
      verbosity: 3

If you check the documentation

you'll see find only return files, examined and matched, not stdout_lines.

So changes it to "{{ net_files.files }}"

You could have check the content of the variable with

- debug: var=net_files