From the log we can see that the bootstrap of the servers on DO using Ansible works fine, bootstrapping using Ansible works fine, both source and target servers have python-keyczar installed. Any idea?
This is the code where the exception occurs … key_path = os.path.expanduser(“~/.fireball.keys”) if not os.path.exists(key_path): os.makedirs(key_path) key_path = os.path.expanduser(“~/.fireball.keys/%s” % hostname) It does make a check before creating the directory, but perhaps you are running into some weird race condition? Do any of your inventory hosts share the same IP or ansible_ssh_host ?
When running multiple forks, each one can test that the directory does not exist, and attempt to create it. The first one that creates it will succeed without an issue, and the remainder will get an OSError that the file already exists.
Since for the Travis CI runs you get a pristine environment each time, you’ll see this occurring on a frequent basis. A simple fix is to ensure a single gather facts run is executed on only one of the target hosts using accelerate first, then follow this with the normal plays.
A fix in the ansible code base would be to wrap the mkdir either with a threading lock or with something like the following:
def ignore_oserror_exists():
except OSError as ose:
if ose.errno != errno.EEXIST:
raise ose
with ignore_oserror_exists():
os.makedirs(key_path, mode=0o700)