I have a ./roles/pgBackRest_install/tasks/main.yml aiming to install pgBackRest.
the entire roles goes through without any problem but these 2 TASKS are practially not havin any effect on the target.
neiter /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf, nor /var/lib/pgbackrest are being created (eventhough the playbook execution reports “ok” *the 1st one) and “changed” (the 2nd).
name: install preps - create config files
state: touch # sudo touch /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
path: " {{ item }} "
owner: pgbackrest # sudo chown pgbackrest:pgbackrest /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
group: pgbackrest
mode: ‘0640’ # sudo chmod 640 /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
become: true
loop: -
/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf # ERROR: not being created !!!
name: repository - Create the pgBackRest repository
state: directory
path: " {{ item }} "
mode: ‘0755’ # sudo chmod 750 /var/lib/pgbackrest
owner: pgbackrest # sudo chown pgbackrest:pgbackrest /var/lib/pgbackrest
group: pgbackrest
become: true
loop: -
/var/lib/pgbackrest # sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/pgbackrest # ERROR: not being created !!!
any idea, what might be going wrong here? Other file TASKS work as expected in that same role.