Hi :
Looks like the fetch module is using md5sum tool and Mac OS X the
tool is md5.
For Quick fix: I created a symlink for md5 as md5sum.
Kumars-MacBook-Pro:ansible kumarkandasami$ ls -l /sbin/md*
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 65344 Jul 11 2011 /sbin/md5
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 9 Jun 4 14:39 /sbin/md5sum -> /sbin/
However, the task fails that "md5 mismatch" - eventhough the checksum
are the same on the remote and local file.
On Mac machine:
MD5 (/tmp/xyz.tar) = 2a04e580f1bbacd3dfaf34c0bfebdc56
On Remote (Rhel) machine:
2a04e580f1bbacd3dfaf34c0bfebdc56 xyz.tar
Obviously, the code is using the split() command that will fail on the
Mac machine as the output format of the Mac OS X is different.
Is there a solution or workaround for this problem ?
P.S. Mac OS X = 10.7.3