[feature request] module assemble

Is there any possibility to add now feature to assemble?
I would like have smt like mix of subversion and assemble.
Config files are kept in SVN and make from one folder a single file.
playbook can look like that

  • hosts: all
  • assemble:
    src=repo+http://svn.example.com/svn/backup_config/ username=USER password=PASS

or even a normal http recursive request will good to ( but please notice the htbasic ).

Thanks from advice.

or just use 2 tasks, svn task to checkout files, assemble task to use them?

Hi Brian
Yes i did smt like that, but i have a problem with file lookup’s.
What I want to make is

  • checkout repo (simple)
  • root is static (assmble from /SVN_PATH/keys/root/* to /root/.ssh/auth_keys)
  • for $(ls -1 /SVN_PATH/keys/ |grep -v root) ;do assemble /home/username_from_for_loop/.ssh/auth_keys;done
    (that is tricky one and i have no idea how can manage to do that).

Can You help me with that, please ?

lookup('pipe','ls -1 /SVN_PATH/keys/ |grep -v root') ?

THX for quick answer
Sorry I’m sill beginner in ansible,
But is it possible to combine that with some loop?
In https://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_loops.html i can’t see example like that
shout i use a nested (with_nested:) because it will look like

All lookups can be invoked in 2 forms lookup('<lookup>' ,. .... or
with_<lookup>, they are the same thing.

so you can use with_pipe: