Is there any possibility to add now feature to assemble?
I would like have smt like mix of subversion and assemble.
Config files are kept in SVN and make from one folder a single file.
playbook can look like that
Hi Brian
Yes i did smt like that, but i have a problem with file lookup’s.
What I want to make is
checkout repo (simple)
root is static (assmble from /SVN_PATH/keys/root/* to /root/.ssh/auth_keys)
for $(ls -1 /SVN_PATH/keys/ |grep -v root) ;do assemble /home/username_from_for_loop/.ssh/auth_keys;done
(that is tricky one and i have no idea how can manage to do that).
THX for quick answer
Sorry I’m sill beginner in ansible,
But is it possible to combine that with some loop?
In https://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_loops.html i can’t see example like that
shout i use a nested (with_nested:) because it will look like