fatal error when skipping includes

fatal: [myhost] => with_items expects a list or a set


I have a role with the following tasks(snippets included):

the include itself is not skippable, the when gets added to the included tasks.

I’m not sure I follow you. The include is being skipped since the when: condition isn’t met. All other tasks above the one that errs out shows skipped. It’s just that specific task that makes everything fail for that host.

I have attempted to add a ‘default’ filter to the when:, but it seems like it is always defined, even though it’s being skipped ?!?!?

  with_items: "{{ ((the_files|default()).stdout_lines|default()) | list }}"

Ah, great catch. That actually works.

Now, to convince ansible not to evaluate anything in included files which are skipped…

And I’ve run into this bug yet again!

I have the following which fails on skipped hosts:


  • name: Check all other host certs
    connection: local
    sudo: false
    path: “{{ role_path }}/templates/ca/{{ item }}.crt”
    with_items: “{{ (nagios_host_fqdns_flat|default()).split(‘,’)|default() }}”

register: stat_host_certs


This is becoming quite time consuming to insert for every with_* on skipped files!!!


According to your comment in this issue:

the when: of the include: gets run AFTER the with_xxx of the child file? This doesn’t make any sense to me. If you are conditionally including a file, NOTHING in that file should be processed. I am not being combative, but am I missing something here? That seems like a real bug; the specific bug that I’m running into over and over again.

​You are not conditionally including. you are applying the condition to all
tasks in the include.

Ahhhh! Thanks Serge. So it is applying in the same manner as roles apply args (e.g. tags: ).

So, now to figure out how to default a split().

Ultimately fixed this by simply putting this into the role’s defaults/main.yml

nagios_host_fqdns_flat: ()
