TASK [local_docker : Start the containers] ****************************************************************************************************************** fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “Failed to import docker or docker-py - cannot import name constants. Try pip install docker
or pip install docker-py
(Python 2.6)”} to retry, use: --limit @/home/user/awx/installer/install.retry
Just do what the error says:
pip install docker-py
I had the same issue and this is what i’ve done - i’ve used a Centos box but it doesn’t matter
yum remove docker-compose (aot get remove docker-compose)
yum remove ansible (apt get remove ansible)
pip unisntall docker-py
pip uninstall docker
pip uninstall docker-py
pip install ansible
pip install docker
pip install docker-compose
This should fix your dependancy errors
The solution to this issue is to make a change in the inventory file in awx/installer, the line is at the top. Change the interpreter.
#localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=“/usr/bin/env python”
localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=“/usr/bin/env python3”
I hope this is not too late. I am actually new to AWX and I put a note on my blog about how I got it installed on ubuntu bionic. If it’s still relevant, kindly have a look at http://www.mycodingpains.com/getting-started-with-ansible-works-awx/