failed - "rc": 127 - stderr not found

Hi everybody,

I’m working on getting my hands on ansible to use it for network automation purposes. I’ve a problem with a first simple script which is issuing a show command on a switch.

I’ve to hosts defined in my hosts file /etc/ansible/hosts:




Now I have this simple playbook:

Ansible 1.7.2 at the time (2014) was about one year old.
Since then another three years of development have gone into the code.
Especially the networking area saw a huge amount of changes.
So while you might get this to work, I'm sure you'll run into many
other issues after that.

Of course it all depends on how much you're stuck with having to use
1.7.2, but instead of getting that to work, I'd spend my energy on
finding a way to run a recent release.


Hi Dick,

thanks for your reply. Yeah I know but I thought I just ask about this here, maybe someone has run into this and is aware of a fast solution.
