F5 UCS Fetch module

I’m getting an error on just a couple of F5 appliances when I’m running the bigip_ucs_fetch module. This works fine on four other appliances, but fails on two with the below error.
The UCS file is created on the appliance, but never shows up in the share and eventually I get the error.

“msg”: “502 Unexpected Error: Bad Gateway for uri:\nText: u’<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n\n<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\” lang="en" xml:lang="en">\n\nBad Gateway!\n<link rev="made" href="mailto:support@f5.com" />\n<style type="text/css">

In the past this would usually occur when the restjavad daemon had
crashed on the box. Does this happen with other modules? Can you run
`bigstart restart restjavad` and try again? The other thing I can
think of is that in the process of taking the UCS file, the restjavad
daemon is restarting or crashing and this is resulting in an error
being bubbled up to the apache frontend and sent back to the module.
In this case the module should probably handle *some* of these cases,
but I wouldn't know without further looking.

Suggest that if the aforementioned does not help that you consider
opening an issue on the F5Networks/f5-ansible github repo


My former colleague Wojciech, who maintains these modules today, may
be able to assist further.


I tried bigip_device_facts and it was successful. I opened a GitHub issue, but it was closed as likely an issue with the F5. So I have a ticket with F5 support. I saw some timeout errors in httpd and restjavad logs.
