Extract content in the register variable stdout value

  • name: Extracting Hostname

local_action: command /usr/bin/perl extracturl.pl {{ url }} port

register: port

I can get the value in stdout “80”

“stderr”: “”, “stderr_lines”: , “stdout”: “80”, “stdout_lines”: [“80”]

Hi All,

I am capturing the script output in the ansible play using register and using it on another role. The register value
contains some additional characters.

- name: Extracting Hostname

  local\_action: command /usr/bin/perl  extracturl\.pl \{\{ url \}\} port

  register: port

I can get the value in stdout "80"

"stderr": "", "stderr_lines": , "stdout": "80", "stdout_lines": ["80"]

Using port.stdout in a another task. Here is the issue. I am getting [u'80'] in {{ port.stdout }} .

- include_role:

    name: roles/telnet



     \- "\{\{ port\.stdout \}\}"

Any idea how to get rid of [u''] . Just I need the port no: 80

   telnet_port: "{{ port.stdout }}"

In your task the - turns it into a list.


Hi Racke,

Fantastic, Thanks a lot for your reply. Removed - and it worked .
