Extend ec2_facts or new module?

I am going to write some code to take advantage of the ec2-get-password function (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/CommandLineReference/ApiReference-cmd-GetPassword.html). In my eyes, this is an ec2 fact. It is also probably that most of the time, this sensitive password is not wanted.

Should I extend ec2_facts and add an options flag (e.g. get_windows_password) to get the password if this flag is true? The default would be false.

Alternatively should I just write a separate module to get the password?

Personally i think the ec2_facts option makes sense but i don’t want to submit a pull request if its unlikely to be accepted because i dont want to maintain the merges if ec2_facts changes in the future.

I’d vote for your own module or variation of it, and probably not submitting it back, reason for it below…

We’re going to be doing some things involving fact saving - and fact caching essentially is this, so returning this plaintext and storing it by default seems to be potentially a bad thing.