I have a script that i want to use with ansible. This script asks questions so I’m trying to use the expect module as below :
- name: Answer in term to the openvpn script to configure it
command: ./{{ script_name }}
IP address: ‘’
Do you want to enable IPv6 support (NAT)? [y/n]: ‘n’
Port choice [1-3]: ‘1’
Protocol [1-2]: ‘1’
DNS [1-10]: ‘6’
Enable compression? [y/n]: ‘n’
Customize encryption settings? [y/n]: ‘n’
Press any key to continue...: ‘a’
become: yes
Problem is : At start it took me some times to understand escape char.
So any time I failed, ansible would timeout and tell me which questions
in the script had fail. Since then I succeed the second question and
Ansible told me prob was q.3 (as expected).
But since i had the other question (even if I had them one by one)
Ansible won’t timeout but it’s not working properly as it stays in this
task for ever.
Anyone would know why it doesn’t timeout and also why it isn’t working ?
I have a script that i want to use with ansible. This script asks questions
so I'm trying to use the expect module as below :
- name: Answer in term to the openvpn script to configure it
command: ./{{ script_name }}
IP address: ''
Do you want to enable IPv6 support \(NAT\)\? \[y\/n\]: 'n'
Port choice \[1\-3\]: '1'
Protocol \[1\-2\]: '1'
DNS \[1\-10\]: '6'
Enable compression\? \[y\/n\]: 'n'
Customize encryption settings\? \[y\/n\]: 'n'
- aka dash don't need to be escaped, the same goes for / aka slash.
Press any key to continue\.\.\.: 'a'
On "Press any key" just use ''
become: yes
Problem is : At start it took me some times to understand escape char.
You only need to escape regexp special characters.
So any time I failed, ansible would timeout and tell me which questions
in the script had fail. Since then I succeed the second question and
Ansible told me prob was q.3 (as expected).
But since i had the other question (even if I had them one by one)
Ansible won't timeout but it's not working properly as it stays in this
task for ever.
Anyone would know why it doesn't timeout and also why it isn't working ?
Never had the problem that expect doesn't timeout, you could try to run Ansible with -vvv, but I doubt you get any more information, but worth a shot.
If you remove the unnecessary escapes as mention above and -vvv don't give you any tips you need to debug