Expect module is not taking the password!
- expect:
command: ssh -l admin localhost -p 10000
admin@localhost’s password: “xyz”
TASK [unpresentrepo : expect] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: “ssh -l admin localhost -p 10000”, “delta”: “0:00:30.592311”, “end”: “2017-07-28 13:12:23.385812”, “failed”: true, “rc”: 255, “start”: “2017-07-28 13:11:52.793501”, “stdout”: "admin@localhost’s password: \r\nOVM> ", “stdout_lines”: ["admin@localhost’s password: ", "OVM> "]}
to retry, use: --limit @/home/sara.bckup.priv/main.retry
Please help!
Expect module is not taking the password!
It does.
- expect:
command: ssh -l admin localhost -p 10000
admin@localhost's password: "xyz"
TASK [unpresentrepo : expect]
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ssh -l admin
localhost -p 10000", "delta": "0:00:30.592311", "end": "2017-07-28
13:12:23.385812", "failed": true, "rc": 255, "start": "2017-07-28
13:11:52.793501", "stdout": "admin@localhost's password: \r\nOVM> ",
"stdout_lines": ["admin@localhost's password: ", "OVM> "]}
to retry, use: --limit @/home/sara.bckup.priv/main.retry
If you look at stdout or stdout_lines you'll see to lines.
One is "admin@localhost's password: " and the second is "OVM> "
So it has logged in and gotten a new prompt, OVM>.
Delta is over 30 second and default timeout for expect is 30 second. So expect has been waiting for 30 seconds for more input, but you have only provided one input and the task times out.
Thanks Kai!
I am a new beginner to Ansible. if I want to execute series of a commands in OVM prompt like list repository etc, what should I do?
Thanks Kai!
I am a new beginner to Ansible. if I want to execute series of a commands
in OVM prompt like list repository etc, what should I do?
Expect takes a list on responses, the fist time it get the response it will give the first entry, on the second respense the second and so on.
I don't know what commands a OVM prompt take, but lets say you would like to run "show something", "list something" and "get something" in that order it would be like this.
- expect:
command: ssh -l admin localhost -p 10000
admin@localhost's password: "xyz"
- show something
- list something
- get something
Its not giving the output for list Repository command.
fatal: []: FAILED! => {
“changed”: true,
“cmd”: “ssh -l admin localhost -p 10000”,
“delta”: “0:00:30.821117”,
“end”: “2017-07-31 13:54:57.711477”,
“failed”: true,
“invocation”: {
“module_args”: {
“chdir”: null,
“command”: “ssh -l admin localhost -p 10000”,
“creates”: null,
“echo”: false,
“removes”: null,
“responses”: {
“OVM>”: [
“list Repository”
“admin@localhost’s password”: “xyz”
“timeout”: 30
“rc”: 255,
“start”: “2017-07-31 13:54:26.890360”,
“stdout”: “OVM> list Repository”,
“stdout_lines”: [
“OVM> list Repository”
to retry, use: --limit @/home/sara.bckup.priv/main.retry
- expect:
command: ssh -l admin localhost -p 10000
admin@localhost’s password: “xyz”