I want to insert an failure on my playbook where if the hostgroup isnt in the inventory, it fails.
Inventory path is
and looks similiar to this
When running a playbook using --extra vars and declaring the name of the host group like so
ansible-playbook deploy_rpm.yml -i environment/testEnv --extra-vars=‘{“hostgroup”: “NodeGroup1”, “var1”: “test-rpm”, “version”: “0.1”}’
It passes as NodeGroup1 is in the inventory
When the hostgroup is named wrong, ‘NodeGroup999’ for example.
ansible-playbook deploy_rpm.yml -i environment/testEnv --extra-vars=‘{“hostgroup”: “NodeGroup999”, “var1”: “test-rpm”, “version”: “0.1”}’
It just silently fails but doesnt return an error message or stop.
I have added this in as a task but it doesnt seem to like it.
- name: “Grep inventory to check hostgroup exists.”
fail: msg:=“Hostgroup ‘{{ hostgroup }}’ is not defined”
when: - inventory_hostname in groups[‘hostgroup’]|default()
How can i improve this task to stop the playbook and return a failure? Is it best to put the path of the inventory files inside the ‘when’ part of the task?