examples of $last_result?

I have this playbook:


  - name: Copy new lhttpd
    action: copy
dest=/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644

  - name: Stop lhttpd
    action: service name=lhttpd pattern=/usr/local/sbin/lighttpd state=stopped

  - name: Try to Pause for 10 seconds to let everything calm down
    action: pause seconds=10

  - name: Kill left over php-cgi procs
    action: shell killall -9 php-cgi

  - name: Start lhttpd
    action: service name=lhttpd pattern=/usr/local/sbin/lighttpd state=started

Its rare that PHP dies gracefully, of course today it is. I'm unclear
on what I need to set in order to ignore the exit status of the shell
killall action. Are there examples of this?

bash-3.2$ ansible --version
ansible 0.8

[B] The result of the last command, as a dictionary, will be available in some variable like $last_result. Use
this with the shell/command module to quickly add control logic with "only_if", without having to write custom facts


ignore_errors: True

only_if: $last_result.rc == 42